Adult Swim ident - pineapple (2021)

During my second bachelor year (2020-2021) I directed a 22-sec ident for adult swim europe. I worked on it together with my talented friends Lukas wind and Nora Dahlheim. I was responsible for the production design and some of the animation as well as layout, colorscript and background art.

Animated Short - Diagnosis (2022)

Diagnosis (2022) is a short animated film directed by Melanie Gerber about a young woman's struggle with her endometriosis. I am responsible for designing the enviroments and props as well as creating all of the layouts and background art!

Animated Short - Text Me When You’re Home (2022)

Text Me When You’re Home (2022) is a short animated film by Nora Dahlheim and Joanna Lang about a Woman who After being harassed on public transport one evening must make her way home on her own. I createad a color script for the film aswell as all layouts and backgrounds for the forest sequence.